May 10, 2011


Soon the hammers will start at the top and take it down, brick by brick.
Farewell MSC smoke stack.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on May 10, 2011

May 8, 2011

Art brings color to life

This is a photoshop effect.  I liked the picture to start with but as I was looking at it I thought this might make an interesting ad for an art gallery or studio.  The 1212 Gallery on Turner street had this class on painting around the Turner Dodge house and one of the artist walked away from their painting.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on May 8, 2011

May 7, 2011

Turner Dodge house

This must be the week for large buildings.  Again I liked the natural framing by stepping back under a tree.  Using HDR might have helped bring out the shadows in the front but I think it would have taken away from the dramatic feel of the lighting.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on May 7, 2011

May 6, 2011

Spartan stadium.

Sometimes natural framing or available framing helps create the effect you want.  Ten feet closer to the stadium and I would have been out of the trees.  But the effect of having the branches framing the building was what I wanted.  Sometimes it will take some looking to find what you need.  After a while you won’t have to look, you will  start seeing the possibilities as you look at a potential pictures.

I saw this stand of evergreens as I was walking up to the stadium and immediately started walking through them.  Looking for the right branches and framing.   I liked the effect of the side and top framing.  Try framing from all sides of your pictures.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on May 6, 2011

May 3, 2011

Magnolia bloom

Here is an example where you don’t want a very deep depth of field.  Using a higher shutter speed you can make the f stop lower which will make the background out of focus.  The green grass becomes just a mottled green blur which is much better and doesn’t distract from your subject.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on May 3, 2011

May 2, 2011

Spring blooms

This was shot with a reverse mount adapter on my 18-55mm lens.  The f8 and 1/160th of a second.  I really needed the speed to stop the wind from blurring the picture.  Even with f8 the depth of field with the reverse mount ring is still very small.  Any movement would take the flower out of focus.  Just for reference this flower is about 1 and 1/2 inches across.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on May 2, 2011