April 7, 2011

Sunrise over MSC smokestack.

The smoke stack’s days are numbered.  It will be coming down this summer.  The white bricks from the MSC will be saved and used in the future somewhere on MSU campus.  To be determined at a later date.

Posted in photo 365 | 2 Comments

April 4, 2011

Ginger again.

I found this too fascinating to leave it with just one day.  I hope you find it as interesting as I do.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on April 4, 2011

April 2, 2011


Ginger flower

Thanks to Sharl from ABasketFulBySharl.com for having a couple of flowers I had never seen. Visit her shop at the Lansing City Market and get some unique and beautiful flowers .  She wrapped it so nicely I had to take pictures of the wrappings to show my wife too.  The background of the picture is the purple paper the flower was wrapped in.


Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on April 2, 2011

April 1, 2011

Beaumont tower ghosts

This is an HDR image.  Look closely at the people on the sidewalk.  They moved in the time it took for me to shoot the 3 pictures so they show up as partial ghosts.  This is a side effect of hdr that I’m planning on utilizing more and seeing how far I can push it.

You could almost imagine the graduates of the past walking along that path and fading into their future away from campus.

Posted in photo 365 | 1 Comment