March 21, 2011

Last day of winter

This is an hdr photo.  I took it with my pocket Nikon and had to adjust the settings manually between shots.  I took 5 shots bracketed from -2 to +2.  I think I ended up only using 3 of them because I didn’t have the framing of the pictures identical and I was getting weird shadows.  The Canon I use has a setting for multiple shots so I can stand still and shoot 3 pictures and they are bracketed.  The other option would be to have a tripod with me and I didn’t.  So live and learn.  Even if I’m just taking Kirsten to school for band on Saturday morning I should  have my equipment with me.

Even with the learning under my belt I think the picture turned out pretty cool.

Holy Trinity Church

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on March 21, 2011

March 19, 2011


So many possible titles for this one.  The truth is he was cleaning the mirror and the smudged reflection caught my eye.  Thank you for letting me post this.  I will use this idea again in the future.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on March 19, 2011

March 14, 2011

I’m a banana – (if you must know youtube)

Before you click that link just remember.  Ignorance is bliss and you can’t un-see something.

Posted in photo 365 | Comments Off on March 14, 2011